IOBSA Mentorship Programme

What is Mentorship?

Wikipedia’s definition of mentorship: Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. Mentorship includes a “mentor” – an experienced individual – who is meant to guide a “mentee” – a less experienced person.

The goal of the IOBSA’s Mentorship Programme

A more formalised mentorship programme has been missing from our offering and the goal is to link up members as mentors and mentees so that together they can learn and share experiences that will improve performance and behaviours within the Banking sector.

The IOBSA’s role is simply to provide the guidelines and opportunities to create such relationships, not to oversee or manage these relationships. This programme fits in with our purpose and vision:

Our Purpose: To Build Professional Capital for the Banking Industry
Our Vision: To be an industry capacity builder, through certification and support of bankers. An integrator of professional ethics, conduct and a facilitator of Continuous Professional Development.

Invitation to be a Mentor/Mentee

This is designed to be available to IOBSA members only. Mentors can formulate a simple profile for our website, mentees can search for a mentor to best fit their requirements. The relationship is built between mentor and mentee with no interference on our part.

Matching of Mentors and Mentees is on a “self service” basis via our website.

Expectations of Mentors and Mentees


  • The Mentor needs to provide a profile (see Mentor Profile*) for the website including the skills/areas of expertise that they feel they can assist a Mentee with.
  • The Mentor is not there to coach the mentee but rather to listen to the Mentees opinions and approaches related to work issues and to challenge their thinking by guiding them appropriately.
  • It is essential that the Mentor is a good listener and is not overbearing. Mentors can support their mentee in a variety of ways, including but not limited to suggesting courses of action and sharing their own experiences if the Mentee is unable to find alternative ways of addressing a particular issue.
  • The Mentor can effectively provide an objective and outside view to assist the Mentee in solving problems through constructive and honest feedback.
  • The Mentor should have a clear idea as to the time they are prepared to commit to as well as specifics around days and times for engagements.
  • It is also suggested that a timeframe be agreed for each goal i.e. Improving Communication with management=6 months.


  • The Mentee needs to complete a profile indicating areas where they are seeking assistance via Mentorship.
  • The Mentee should not expect the Mentor to provide solutions upfront, the goal is to work together to assist the Mentee in finding their own solutions.
  • The Mentee should come prepared with their areas for development, goals and the time they feel they will need with the Mentor to address these issues.
  • There should be an informal contract between Mentor and Mentee around agreed days and times to engage. The Mentee is responsible for setting up these meetings.
  • The Mentee should be looking for support and guidance rather than specific solutions and direction from the Mentor.
  • Self-awareness and reflection after each session is recommended.
  • The Mentee is responsible for implementing any actions agreed upon.
  • It is also suggested that a timeframe be agreed for each goal i.e. Improving Communication with management=6 months.
  • Should the Mentee wish to withdraw their request for Mentorship, this needs to be done in writing.

Compliments, suggestions and complaints-process

Should a Mentor or Mentee experience anything they deem to fall outside of the IOBSA Code of Ethics, they are requested to put their complaint in writing (attaching evidence) to the CEO who will together with the Operations and Compliance Manager, investigate the matter and take appropriate action against the perpetrator. Such action will remain confidential.

Similarly, compliments and suggestions for improvement may also be addressed to the CEO in order to assist the IOBSA in improving our offering.


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