2023 Budget Seen as a ‘Mixed Bag’

2023 Budget revealed.

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BizNews recently published an article on the 2023 budget. The 2023 budget was announced on the 22 of February and has been described as a ‘mixed bag’ for markets and investors.

Here is an excerpt:

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana delivered his second national budget speech on Wednesday afternoon, saying that the National Treasury has a fiscal strategy to balance national spending priorities and an expanding social wage bill with constrained growth and energy generation capacity.

The real test will be its implementation, and the ability of the Treasury to stick to its targets to cut the budget deficit and prevent the overall level of debt from becoming unsustainable.


To read the full article please visit BizNews, ‘The 2023 budget is a mixed bag with rays of solar light for rand, bond markets and investors‘.

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