Conduct Standards for Banks

Learn more about conduct standards in banking.

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Course By: Growth in Motion


CPD Accreditation detail

Professional Body: IOBSA

CPD hour allocation: CPD Hours (online learning): 3 CPD hours   

CPD Accreditation Number: IOB133


Introduction to each of the following sections:

  1. Definitions
  2. Application and general obligations
  3. Culture and governance
  4. Design, suitability and performance requirements for financial products and financial services
  5. Additional requirements in respect of retail financial customers
  6. Advertising
  7. Disclosures
  8. Complaints
  9. Refusal, withdrawal or closure of financial products or financial services by the ban

At the end of this course, the learner will have a comprehensive understanding of the following:

Understanding The Banking Conduct Standard 

  1. The Banking Conduct Standard – What is its purpose?
  2. What problems will be solved with the Banking Conduct Standard?
  3. Administering of the Banking Conduct Standard.
  4. Who will be regulated?
  5. The Banking Conduct Standard as it applies to customers.
  6. The expected impact of the Banking Conduct Standard on the sector.
  7. How will this standard incorporate the six TCF outcomes?
  8. The defined outcomes in alignment with the six TCF outcomes.
  9. The monitoring of compliance?
  10. The balance between principles-based and rules-based requirements to ensure fair customer outcomes.
  11. Unfair treatment of customers.
  12. The complaints process. 
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