In Loving Memory of Mrs Venter
20th March 1947 – 10th July 2021

It is with deep sadness that we announce that Martha Johanna Venter, affectionately known as Martie, has passed on from this world on Saturday, 10th July 2021.
Our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Martie’s family, to the many colleagues Martie worked with at the IOBSA spanning four decades and to the Members to whom Martie had become an institution during her tenure.
Martie Venter was a passionate, proud supporter and employee of the IOBSA for more than 40 years. She was a dedicated and committed member of the team, whose concern was always for the other before she was concerned for herself. Over the years many derived benefit from her wisdom and superior knowledge of the Institute until she retired at the end of April this year.
The Institute of Bankers in South Africa NPC was blessed to have Martie on the team, as evidenced by the regular commendations from members for her consistently excellent service. The members always took priority as she would go beyond the call of duty, often working long hours, to respond to member queries timeously, thoroughly, and courteously.
May her Dear Soul Rest in Peace and in Power.
The IOBSA Team and The Board of Directors
Remembrance from IOBSA staff member: Juan Greyling
Where does one start to describe what a wonderful person you were to so many.
You were the kindest and most gentle soul I knew with a heart of gold. You were by my side and helped me through the hardest times in my life. Being a mother to me and to so many around you.
It has been a privilege to know you and have you in my life for as long as I did. You did so much for me and for everyone else around you.
Thank you for your guidance and mentorship that has guided me to be the person I am today. You introduced me to the Institute of Bankers in 2012 and taught me everything I know today.
It was a pleasure working beside you for all these years. You taught me so much with your wisdom and knowledge.
Martie Venter was always ready to listen when you had something to discuss with her, and she listened to every word that you said.
She always lent a helping hand, always ready to assist wherever she could.
I will forever cherish you in my heart and remember all the wonderful memories that we shared; you will be missed and loved and will never be forgotten.
Rest in Peace Martie Venter