Course By: Growth in Motion
CPD Accreditation detail
Professional Body: IOBSA
CPD hour allocation: CPD Hours (online learning): 3 CPD hours
CPD Accreditation Number: IOB153
The time value of money is also related to the concepts of inflation and purchasing power. Both factors need to be taken into consideration when financial advice is given to clients.
Understanding the detail provided in this course, and how to use it practically, will help you gain confidence when doing a needs analysis, provide appropriate advice and build trust and relationship with clients.
Learners will gain sufficient and appropriate knowledge and understanding of:
- What is time value of money (TVM)
- How time value of money works
- The TVM formula
- Understand the different values of TVM
- The effect of inflation
- TVM calculations
- Interest rates
- Practical TVM calculations for death, disability and retirement
- Download calculation tools to use when dealing with clients